We have been leaders in NDT in Italy for many years.
The Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) are test methods that provide information on structures and properties of materials, components or parts, without changing their suitability for service.
The NDT are aimed at:
Ensure the integrity and reliability of a product.
Prevent accidents and save lives;
Check the manufacturing processes;
Reduce the cost of production;
Ensure customer satisfaction;
Maintain consistent levels of quality;
Assisting in the planning of products;
Contribute to the development of materials science.
The Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) are based on knowledge of the physical and chemical properties applicable.
With these tests you want to detect discontinuities through interactions of field of energy and information provided by a method which then leads to an analysis.
NDT Method
Taking into account the of casting defects and evaluation we can select in the first instance, the most suitable method to carry out the NDT: